Monday, September 12, 2011

Head High at the Point

Linus catching a big and beautiful wave at the point.  Don't stop!

More Video

Pat, our youngest Team Pakarang surfer showing his
style at Nang Tong.
Coming soon: Footage of Pat competing at the RipCurl
Grom Search 2011 on Kata Beach in Phuket.  Stay tuned!


See Ching's casual entry into this sweet curl at Pakarang.

Friday, June 24, 2011


Very exciting! Our Japanese instructor and surf contact, Tad, has shown us the way! This is a new, SECRET surf haven where the waves are sizeable and sheltered from the wind. Perfect for the goofy set. See Tad below, carving it up with Ching and Lai. You would never know there was mad wind that day!

Monday, June 13, 2011

New Ajaan!

Aloha! Yesterday we hit another beach to catch some big ones with our new ajaan- "teacher", homegrown in Hawaii. He's the silverhaired vintage ripper you see demonstrating proper use of the longboard. Righteous!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Mid-Season Update

A big hello to all our friends out there! It's time for some highlights of our 2011 season, which is now in full swing. The monsoon winds and rain stirred up some really hairy surf- good height and speed, but wild at heart (a bit like ourselves, really). Now the seas are a bit calmer and we're savouring the tidy, consistent breaks June has brought. And all to ourselves!

We've managed to surf pretty much every day so far, which amounts to more fun than can possibly be squeezed through the interweb, but scroll on down and you'll get a taste of what we've been up to the past few months.

Peace and love,
The Pakarang Surf Team

Monsoon Magic

Big "Kudos" and "Korp koon makh ka!" to Malin N. for taking these great shots of our crew and finishing them to capture the mood of this monsoon-windy day. We'll never forget the mad slosh, negligible intervals and of course the lightning fast breaks on one of our local field trips this May.